Babies are very delicate and dependent.

They need constant care, a gentle hand and a lot of attention. Parents are there to look after and care for their child and let them know that they are there.

To wipe their nose, take a small piece of cotton wool moistened with physiological serum, and gently clean around the nostrils, avoiding cleaning too deeply inside the nose.

Spraying with MARIMER BABY DAILY NASAL HYGIENE will really clear the nasal passages.


What is bronchiolitis?

This "bronchitis" in very young children, which may affect infants in their first few weeks of life, varies according to winter and spring epidemics. It is a respiratory viral infection which affects the bronchi, and is highly contagious.
3 to 9-month old infants are most at risk, due to anatomical reasons related to the size of their bronchioles. Bronchiolitis generally starts with a mere cold and dry cough which may be accompanied by wheezing. The child will have difficulty breathing, and you will see that they are congested and have bronchial secretions that they cannot discharge. In very severe cases, they may also have a fever. It is an airborne virus, transmitted by minute droplets expelled through coughing or sneezing or indirectly on hands or contaminated objects, where the virus can survive for several hours.

How can you protect your child?

By observing basic hygiene: wash hands regularly, wear a surgeon's mask when caring for your baby and do not kiss them when they are ill; cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough.
The French underestimate the risk of transmission in public places. However, you must avoid exposing your child to people with colds, so avoid crowded crèches, public transport and busy shops!

How can it be treated?

If symptoms persist and worsen, conventional treatment includes breathing exercises to increase respiratory flow and help the child bring up any mucus.
As a preventative measure and in parallel with the exercise sessions, you may also use seawater or physiological serum to unblock their nose. *
*According to data distributed in December 2013 by the InVS 



Whether it is hot or cold, quiet or noisy, in the dead of night or in the supermarket, your child may suffer a nosebleed when you least expect it.
Inside each nostril, about a centimetre into the nose, there is an area of nasal mucosa called the vascular bed. It is made up of many small vessels which tend to rupture very easily in some children as their mucosa is fragile.
Colds increase the likelihood of bleeding, firstly because they cause irritation to the mucosa, and secondly, because scabs forming inside the nose are more likely to come away as the nose is continuously wiped. But do not panic - simply ensure that you regularly rinse their nose with physiological serum or seawater solutions such as MARIMER BABY DAILY NASAL HYGIENE.
You may also humidify the air in the room to prevent the mucosa from becoming increasingly irritated.
*The child pathologies guide


A baby's first cold may be quite intimidating for young parents. Your baby will be uneasy, they will be sniffing, and they may lose their appetite. But do not panic - it is only a cold and there are many ways of making your baby feel better.

What is a cold?

Discover cold symptoms and treatment.

What effects does a cold have on a baby? 

When a baby has a cold, they may present any of the following symptoms:
• A temperature which may be as a high as 38°C,
• A cough,
• Red eyes,
• A sore throat,
• A blocked, runny nose,
• Loss of appetite,
• Irritability and agitation,
• Enlarged glands (on the neck and nape).

Your baby will probably also be finding it difficult to breathe through their nose if it is blocked and will not want to suck or drink from their bottle. Children under four are often unable to wipe their nose by themselves. It is up to you to help your child bring up any mucus.
Your baby's cold should pass after about ten days. Very young babies may take up to a fortnight.

Discover our Marimer Baby range

Baby safety nozzle

With its wide safety nozzle, discover how to clean up your baby's nose properly.