The common cold is a very common infection of the nose and throat and is caused by a virus.

Main symptoms of a cold:

Also known as viral or acute rhinitis, symptoms of the common cold include a sore throat, sneezing, a feeling of having a blocked nose (nasal congestion) and a runny nose. These symptoms appear gradually and usually persist for 5 to 7 days and at the most, 2 weeks.

The beginning of Autumn until Spring is when colds are most frequent. This is when we spend the most time inside, which increases the risk of contagion. In addition, during winter, the air in houses is usually dryer, which causes the nasal mucosa to dry out. It becomes less effective at combating viruses and preventing colds.

The common cold is contagious. To cause a cold, the cold virus first has to become attached to the mucosa of the nose, eyes or mouth. The virus can reach the mucosa when someone who has a cold coughs or sneezes and releases fine contaminated droplets which are then inhaled by someone else. The common cold can also be spread by contact with the infected person’s hands or when you touch a contaminated object and then the mouth, nose or eyes. The incubation period varies from about twelve hours (rhinovirus) to a few days, depending on the virus.

Treatment of colds:

Most often, you simply have to wait until the cold goes away. The body will fight off the virus by itself. At any rate, antibiotics are useless against viruses.
The common cold is a very common infection of the nose and throat and is caused by a virus.

Blocked nose

Nasal congestion or a blocked nose is due to inflammation or local irritation which causes a tightening of the air passage in the nose.

Treating a blocked nose:

• Use a nasal decongestant.

The use of a nasal decongestant can help to temporarily soothe moderate nasal congestion. These products, which are mostly sold over the counter in pharmacies, act by tightening the tissues of the nasal mucosa, which facilitates the passing of air. See the Marimer range.


• Why not try household remedies?

One of the easiest ways to liquefy and get rid of mucus is by inhaling steam from a hot shower. Smelling an onion is also a good way to let your nose run and decongest for a while, like when you rub yourself with menthol. Eating very spicy food also triggers the nasal discharge reflex which helps to alleviate congestion.
You can, for example, eat Mexican dishes seasoned with strong pepper or Tabasco sauce, or Indian dishes spiced with curry, cumin, coriander and ginger. You can also put a few cloves of raw garlic in your salad and drink chicken broth, which both seem to have beneficial properties that strengthen the body.
In addition, the steam helps to decongest your nose and the hot liquid dilutes secretions, in a similar way to a hot shower.


• Make sure that you sleep.

If your room has an adequate level of humidity, you breathe better when you are asleep. If you have a humidifier, you can use distilled water to prevent mould and bacteria from being sprayed into the air.
If you do not have a humidifier, a container filled with water placed on the radiator can do the job, as long as you change the water frequently.
Remember to raise the head of the bed. This decreases the pressure of fluids in your nose and helps to drain the secretions while you sleep.


• Consider taking zinc and Vitamin C supplements.

Zinc appears to have a beneficial effect on the nose. Since zinc supplements have already been used to treat the loss of smell, they might just also protect against sinus congestion. As for Vitamin C, it is recommended to prevent colds.

• Nose congested by allergic rhinitis: decrease the risks of allergies!

At home, there are several simple ways to help to prevent allergies. Cover the mattress with an anti-allergenic cover, replace your feather pillows with synthetic foam pillows and choose wood over a carpet for your bedroom. Dust regularly. You can also install an electronic filter into the central heating system to filter out pollen, dust and animal hair.

• Nose congested by allergic rhinitis: get rid of mites!

To get rid of parasites that live in household dust, and which are responsible for many allergies, use a miticide spray which you can buy in mattress stores and most pharmacies. Spray the product on the mattress, carpets, armchairs and fabric-covered sofas. You should then air the room for several hours before allowing your child to sleep or play there. Repeat the treatment every three months. If you want to kill the mites (as well as their larvae and eggs) that can settle in cuddly toys and your child’s favourite blanket, put them in the freezer for 48 hours every three months. You can also wash them in the machine at 60 °C (140 °F).

• Check the air in the room at work.

Bring an air purifier. If the windows do not open, go outside during your breaks and take a few breaths of air. In addition, find out about the level of humidity at your work place. You can also find out whether the air conditioning filter is changed regularly.

• Choose the right drinks!

The substances that ferment in alcoholic beverages dilate blood vessels. Drinking beer, wine or other fermented alcohols can slightly increase nasal congestion.
Source: Le moniteur des pharmacies N° 3031 of 10 May 2014 ISSN0026-9689

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